
Karna joined Duryodhana’s side in the Kurukshetra war. He was a key warrior who aimed to kill the third Pandava Arjuna but dies in a battle with him during the war. He is a tragic hero in the Mahabharata, in a manner similar to Aristotle’s literary category of “flawed good man”. Karna is found by Adhiratha, a charioteer in the service of the blind king of Hastinapura, Dhritarashtra, who is the father of the Kauravas. Adhiratha and his wife Radha are childless. They raise Karna as their own son. After a while, King Dhritarashtra hears that Adhiratha is bringing up a child.

Karna, was originally the son of Surya Dev. He had a mystic aura and his personality was certainly intimidating. He was a great warrior and an honourable man. He would give away anything that one would ask him for, without any sense of regret.

  • Parameter. Strength: Endurance: Agility: B. C. A. Mana: Luck: …
  • Class skills. Magic Resistance. C. Riding. A. Divinity. A.
  • Personal skills. Discernment of the Poor. A. Uncrowned Martial Arts. — Mana Burst (Flame) A.
  • Noble Phantasm. Kavacha and Kundala. Anti-Unit (Self) A. Brahmastra Kundala. Anti-Country. A+ Vasavi Shakti.

In many recent adaptations of the Mahabharata, Karna is married to two women—Vrushali and Supriya. Contradictory to this, the Tamil play Karna Moksham portray Ponnuruvi as his wife, while the regional Kashidasi Mahabharata states her to be Padmavati. In modern retellings, his wife is also called Uruvi.

Karna taught us about the virtue of kindness.

Karna was known as ‘ Daanveer’ for his generosity and kind nature. Being the son of the Sun God, Karna had a natural armour, that acted as a shield. When Indra begged for alms, disguised as an ascetic, Karna selflessly parted with this precious gift. Karna was the son of kunti (the mother of the Pandavas) and Suryadev (the god of sun as per Hindu mythology). As per Mahabharata Kunti was a big devotee of suryadev. Once she got a chance to Serve Hrishi Durvasa (one of the most renowned monks of those times)who gave her a mantra to worship Suryadev. Karna was more powerful than Arjuna On the night of the 14th day of the Mahabharata war, when all the other warriors of the Kauravas had failed to countering illusions of Gatolkacha and retreated ,Most powerful night warrior Karna had easily destroyed gatotkacha’s 1000 Kinds Of Illusions. Parshurama Curses Karna and Vrishaketu was the youngest son of Karna. He is the only son of karna to survive the Mahabharat war. Once Karna’s identity was revealed, he was taken under the patronage of the Pandavas. He was the last mortal who had the knowledge of Divyastras like Brahmastra and Varunastra. Karna was cursed by Rishi Parusharam even though he was aware of his true heritage. Rishi Parusharam cursed Karna for deceiving him. Karna had claimed he was a Brahmin, which was a lie. He had lied so that he could learn archery from the greatest teacher of all time.


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